Haven 2.0 — Frequently Asked Questions

Haven Protocol
8 min readAug 31, 2021


As we complete development work on Haven 2.0 and prepare for its launch, our growing community of xChads have asked many questions about the project’s next steps, using the protocol, and troubleshooting. Below is a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions. These answers will be updated here as we move closer to launching Haven 2.0.

When will the Haven 2.0 fork occur?

The fork date will be announced once audits of the new mint and burn validation and codebase have been completed, testnet and stagenet have run successfully, and the team is ready to release the updated protocol. This work is ongoing and substantial progress has already been made. You can read the latest update from the Haven team here or visit Haven’s Discord for more regular updates.

What’s the difference between Haven 1.0 and Haven 2.0?

Haven 2.0 is a significant revision of Haven’s core codebase (Haven 1.0). It includes substantial security updates, including a new mint and burn validation, as a result of the June 2021 exploits. Haven’s private assets (XHV, xUSD, xBTC, etc.) will not be affected by this upgrade, and there will be no difference between current and future assets available on the network once Haven 2.0 goes live. Any assets you hold now or buy on exchanges will remain valid after the fork. You can read more about Haven 2.0 in the latest update from the team.

Do I have to do anything after the fork?

The only thing you need to do after the fork is update the app you’re using to access your Haven Vault. For the Web Vault, you just need to refresh the browser. If you have issues updating the browser to the latest version, you might have to do a force refresh on the browser. Use the following commands: CTRL + F5 (Windows/Linux) and Command + Shift + R (for MacOS). For the Desktop and CLI vaults, please visit the Haven website which will include the latest vault versions once Haven 2.0 is live on the network.

When will KuCoin enable withdrawals and deposits?

The Haven team worked closely with KuCoin to ensure that internal XHV balances on both sides were correct. Deposits and withdrawals on KuCoin were reopened on September 1, 2021.

When will the THORChain integration be completed?

The team is still fully committed to integrating Haven with THORChain, and believes decentralized cross-chain exchanges are a critical part of the future or cryptocurrency. Unfortunately the June 2021 exploits and subsequent Haven 2.0 development work has delayed the integration. Here’s the latest status update from the Roadmap:

Test environments for mocknet and pre-launch testing have been put in place but testing is currently paused to focus dev resources on codebase updates/reviews. It is expected to go live after the hard fork (to re-instate full network functionality) and once all testing has been completed successfully.

Why are conversions not working in the Haven Vault?

Conversions are disabled until the Haven 2.0 fork. The fork will be announced once audits of the new mint and burn validation and code have been completed, testnet and stagenet have run, and the team is ready to release the updated protocol.

Why is the portfolio value showing $0 in the Haven Vault?

Due to the price feed from the oracle being down in order to disable conversions, the vault displays a zero value price. This is normal and will show the correct value once conversions have been enabled. The “Available Assets” section will continue to display the correct balance (amount) of each Haven asset in your vault.

Can I use my Haven Vault to send and receive assets before the Haven 2.0 fork?

Yes. You can continue sending and receiving assets using your Haven Vault. You can also send to other vaults and to the following exchanges: TradeOgre, Bittrex, Polarity (see polarity for more information), and Havex (see Havex for more information).

Is there a Haven Protocol Android or iOS app?

Not at this time. Use the Haven Web Vault instead.

Noe: there is an app on the Google Play Store by the name of “Haven Protocol Wallet” which was created by the previous team and no longer works. Please don’t use any wallets/vault other than then ones listed on the Haven Protocol website.

Is the Web Vault secure?

Yes. You can think of the Web Vault as a Desktop Vault integrated locally on your browser. Keys, seeds, passwords, and other sensitive information never goes over the web, everything is stored locally.

Is there a simple guide on how to start using the Haven Vault?

Here are some guides, including a video: quick start guide, how to create an account, walkthrough video on setting up your vault.

Why is my Haven Vault not syncing?

There are various reasons why this might be the case. Here are some tips to help you identify potential issues and how to fix them.

Use the latest version of the Haven Vault: The Web Vault is automatically updated to the latest version, however, sometimes you may have to do a force refresh (see below) if you think the browser’s version is not up to date. You can check the version of the Web Vault by clicking on the 3 dots (top right) and making a note of the version which is displayed (as Network Mainnet v#.#.#). Then compare that version against the ones listed on Haven’s website. To do a force refresh on the browser, use the following commands: CTRL + F5 (Windows/Linux) and Command + Shift + R (MacOS).

For the Desktop Vault, download the latest version that applies to your system. Check connection and sync status:

  1. Check your internet connection.
  2. The Desktop Vault needs to be connected to a Local or Remote Node. In order to check that you are connected, click on Settings and make sure that the button on the bottom right is displayed as Connected.
  3. If you see the text “Syncing Vault…%” displayed in the Portfolio Value section (top left), it means that your vault is still syncing and you need to wait for it to finish.
  4. Click on the 3 dots (top right) in your vault and select the Advanced tab. The Vault Connected should say Yes, and the Block Height should display the latest bock on the network.
  5. If the device goes to sleep or you navigate away (on mobile devices) during syncing, the sync will stop and you’ll have to start again.
  6. Some Antivirus (AV) apps can block connection from suspected malware on your device. Make sure the Haven app is not being blocked; you may have to add it to the trusted group of apps in your AV settings and firewall.

I sent some funds to my vault, but the funds haven’t appeared.

  1. Make sure your Vault is fully synced. See section above for help on this.
  2. Ensure that the transaction was successful and that there are more than 20 confirmations. Use the Haven Protocol explorer to verify the number of confirmations.
  3. Compare the Refresh Height found in the Advanced tab of your vault (click on the 3 dots in the top right), with the TX block using the TX hash in the block explorer linked above. If the Refresh Height is higher than the TX block height, it means that your vault cannot “see” the transaction. At this point, you’ll have to restore from Seed to a new vault by specifying a Block Height which predates the earliest TX for your current vault. Use this link to help you choose the correct block height when restoring the vault.
  4. It’s worth checking both the Web and Desktop Vault to see if there’s an issue with one or the other.

I get a “failed to get random outputs” error when I want to create a transfer.

This error message is part of the core Monero code and it’s difficult to change in order to give you a more meaningful message related to your issue. Here are a few things you can try to overcome this error:

  1. Try sending smaller amounts.
  2. Make sure you leave enough funds for transaction fees.
  3. You can receive the error when you’ve been mining and have a large number of small mining payouts. You can solve this by using the CLI version of the app and issuing the following command: sweep_all <address>. The address should ideally be an address to a different vault. For more information please refer to this page:
  4. Changing remote nodes can sometimes resolve this error. If you’re using CLI, change between these nodes: remote.eu.havenprotocol.org:17750, remote.haven.miner.rocks:17750, and nodes.hashvault.pro:17750.

Where are my Web and Desktop Vault files located?



There are three files associated with each vault: vaultname, vaultname.address.txt, and vaultname.keys.


Go into the finder: MacintoshHD/Users/Username.

You may need to show hidden files and you can do this by pressing Command + Shift + . In the hidden files is .haven. There are two files associated with each vault: vaultname and vaultname.keys.



Web Vault:

The location of the vault file depends on the browser you’re using. Usually, vault files are located in the cache area of your browser app, and the keys file is located where your browser is set to save files by default.

You can read more about vault locations here.

Where can I look up the circulating supply of all Haven assets?

Use the explorer, the network page, or the Havex page created by one of our community members.

What’s the difference between testnet, stagenet, and mainnet?

Testnet, stagenet, and mainnet are all different networks with their own blockchain, but still part of the XHV chain. The features they have are related to the version of the daemon running the network. Mainnet is the live network, which we all use for XHV, xUSD and xAsset transaction. Testnet is used for development purposes. Stagenet is used to test new releases before release to mainnet.

Can I mine Haven?

Yes. Haven Protocol uses an ASIC resistant tweak algorithm called CryptoNight-Haven, a variant of CryptoNight Proof-of-Work. You can mine XHV with GPU and/or CPU. Read more about mining in our Knowledge Base.

How much can I expect to earn from mining Haven?

In addition to XHV block rewards and transaction fees, a portion of xAsset conversion rewards go to miners to incentivize mining after supply has been mined (0.05% paid in sending asset).

When will the Haven xUSD debit card be released?

The process to get the card live is ongoing but not a priority right now as we work to launch Haven 2.0. We keep all roadmap items status updated on the Haven website so keep an eye in there for changes in the future.

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Haven Protocol

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